2020 UPDATE - Price reduction due to increased import volumes.
Proven on hundreds of NZ farms on all pasture types, 100% fertiliser content!
Pasture Plus is a new technology liquid foliar product using traditional fertiliser elements in a high analysis, broad spectrum formulation which is totally available to the pasture foliage. In this high efficiency nutrient transfer method, a 2-4L application per Hectare can have dramatic results in unlocking the pasture volume and quality growth potential, providing new pasture performance levels not previously available to NZ farmers.
Benefits are:
• Increased early root and plant-top vigour • Increased initial growth and post-grazing regrowth • Improved nutritional feed value (Huge, see below and attached). • Improved animal health • Reduced animal mortality • Improved weight gains • Increased wool and milk yields • Reduced supplementary feed costs • Reduced feed supplements & vet costs • ...
2020 UPDATE - Price reduction due to increased import volumes.
Proven on hundreds of NZ farms on all pasture types, 100% fertiliser content!
Pasture Plus is a new technology liquid foliar product using traditional fertiliser elements in a high analysis, broad spectrum formulation which is totally available to the pasture foliage. In this high efficiency nutrient transfer method, a 2-4L application per Hectare can have dramatic results in unlocking the pasture volume and quality growth potential, providing new pasture performance levels not previously available to NZ farmers.
Benefits are:
• Increased early root and plant-top vigour • Increased initial growth and post-grazing regrowth • Improved nutritional feed value (Huge, see below and attached). • Improved animal health • Reduced animal mortality • Improved weight gains • Increased wool and milk yields • Reduced supplementary feed costs • Reduced feed supplements & vet costs • Improved carry over benefits to the following crop.
RLF have just run a 17 farm trial from irrigated, heavy land, to dryland pasture, and results were consistent across all trials: 17 Farm Pasture Plus trial pasture reading resullts
Their NSW rep. reports to Element in December 2015:
I have been selling Pasture Plus for the past few months and am now on quite a few farms in Nth NSW (approx. 60,000Ha’s).
The results have been fantastic.
- - Huge root growth development (see attached photos)
- - Increase in Crude Protein (see attached report)
- - Improved digestibility
- - Increased Metabolisable Energy
- - Increased Dry Matter production. (see attached 17 farm results spreadsheet)
- - Noticeable live weight gains (see testimonial below)
Rural Liquid Fertilisers have been working with grazier Rob Mulligan and Dan Hunt in Walcha over the past few months:
We spoke with both Dan and Rob and they confirmed OK for us to release their results publicly:
Rob Mulligan sprayed his paddock with 3 Lts / Ha of our Pasture Plus on the 8th August 2014.
Despite an incredibly dry year (worst drought in 120 years), we have recorded the following improvements:
A 1269kg / Ha increase in grass sprayed with Pasture Plus versus a 738kg / Ha increase in grass in the non-sprayed area. An improvement of 531kg’s / Ha. (see graph)
- A 50% increase in crude protein
- A 10% increase in Metabolisable Energy from 8.7 to 9.6 (see report)
- Substantial root growth development (see photo below)
Root Development increase with single 3L Pasture Plus application
In addition to the above, we received great results from Dan Hunt (Moonganna) in Walcha regarding his cattle weight gain for the August – October period. Cattle weight gain increased by 48% in the same paddocks compared to the same period in 2013.
We have just sprayed the Walcha Dairy (897 cows). We had the grass analysed and discovered that we have improved crude protein by 28%, improved digestibility by 7% and increased ME by 10.2%. Once the cows start grazing on the treated paddocks, we expect to see a very significant increase in the milk production as well as an increase in milk solids.
Pasture Plus is tank mix compatible with most liquid herbicides, fungicides and insecticides (refer to RLF prior to mixing). For boom spray or mister dilution, the recommended water rates are 25:1 to 50:1. For aerial application, the water rate should not be less than 20L/ha. and should be applied in morning dew conditions.
Element aims for Pasture Plus to be available across all rural merchants as we release the RLF range of 2015 so we welcome farmers to ask for it at your local branch - either ask us, or the local store, and we can supply stock to meet your requirements. Together with better pasture establishment from BSN Seed Primer treatment of pasture seed http://elementrm.co.nz/shop/agriculture-horticulture/growing-supplies/bsn-seed-primer-20l/, this Integrated Fertiliser Management program (also utilising reduced solid fertiliser use) will set new benchmarks for pasture quality and volume of both pasture and milk / meat production. The usual recipe is 3% of the fert. budget for BSN treatment, 17% for Pasture Plus / foliar fertiliser, paid for by a 20% reduction in solid fertiliser use. Significant gains should be expected using the same fertiliser budget as more fertiliser, and a more balanced range of micro-nutrients is in the pasture plants, allowing better solid fert. uptake through stimulated, larger roots growth.
Pasture Plus 2 page NZ information
Pasture Plus 17 farm Trial Info
Root Development increase with single 3L Pasture Plus application
Dan Hunt Pasture Plus testimonial.
Pasture Plus MSDS